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Angel without feathers

Ma used to tell me same story every night before I sleep and i loved that  story, infact I thought that it is is going to be true someday, like ma is telling me my future . “ my shona !one day you will grow up and will be a good boy! And then an angel with feathers in white gown come to you and your life will change. And you will be happy . There was a king ! he keeps his people happy, and one day GOD decides to test her patience, his kindness,his grateness, his faith, his believe,his love to his people, and sends some calamities at one go. Inhabitants of his realm gone distressed , depressed and worried . They starved for food and water.  King did all what he can, but could not win from GOD. And then go to a dark room and and prayed in all alone on his knees “GOD ! I love my people and cannot see them so worried , I cannot win from you . Please show me the way! I believe in you ! Give me some courage that I can fulfill your wish and do just to my people ,  while he was saying this tears came into his eyes ! but he smiled and said “ You may be happy! But we are your sons ! how can you be happy if we are sad and weeping! “

Then god send an angel from heaven to king in a white gown to that realm , as she entered there , rain came , people got water. barren land  got pulverized, people got food. King recognized his FATHER”s angel and married her! And all were happy.
I loved that story in my childhood a lot that I want it to listen everynight . However I know how it ends. Although  ma”s story was so unrealistic , but that gave a pure optimistic attitude towards my whole life & to GOD.
An angel- came in my life! Changed my all life !